Large building plot for sale in the heart of Tordas

Szabadság út, Tordas, Fejér
Price 120.000.000 Ft
Ref: RMX-64080
Aktív / Active
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Property Details
Price: 120.000.000 Ft
Price/sqm: 18.343 Ft
Official Size: 28.51 m2
Actual Size: 28.51 m2
Lot size: 6542 m2
Property Type: Lot
City: Tordas
Region: Fejér
Overall Condition: To be renovated
Outdoor Condition: Habitable
Industrial Electricity: Yes
Electricity: Yes
Gas: Yes
Water: Yes
Sewage: Yes
Phone: Yes
Internet: Yes
Property Description
The 6542 sq m plot is located in Szabadság Street, known as the main road of Tordas, and is classified as Lf1, i.e. Village residential. This zone is intended for residential buildings, agricultural and forestry buildings, and commercial and service buildings serving the population and having no significant impact on the environment. The plot is fully served by public utilities and can therefore be used for a building. A maximum of two buildings may be built on the plot, of which a maximum of one may be a main building. The building type is lateral, the maximum permitted building density is 30%, the maximum permitted building density below ground level is also 30%, the maximum permitted building height is 4.5 metres and the minimum green area is 60%. On the plot there is a small dwelling, which is in need of renovation, with a useful floor area of 28.51 square metres and a cellar. The future use of the property is to be either renovated or demolished.
It is worth viewing the sophisticated drone footage of the plot. Uploaded between the images you will find the utility map and the map of the Urban Development Plan.
If you want to exploit the potential of this area, please contact us!
Location Description
The largest part of the settlement lies on the plain of the Váli-water in Mezőföld.4 The small valley is located in Fejér county, its area is 220 km2 (5.5% of the central valley, 0.4% of the large valley).Tordas is situated on the eastern edge of Fejér county, in the north-western part of Mezőföld, on the plain of the Váli-water. The flat area of the village is dominated by ploughland, interspersed with patches of protection and economic forests. The landscape structure of the village is dominated by the plain of the Váli water and the St. László stream, which is a natural linear feature of the landscape.
Among the linear facilities, transport infrastructure elements play a significant structural role. In the area, the national road 81108 and the inter-municipal roads that branch off from it fragment the landscape and divide the administrative area of the municipality into parts. The M7 motorway has only a small section on the outskirts of the municipality and therefore has no impact on the landscape structure.
The inner part of the municipality is located in the central part of the administrative area, on the eastern side of the St.ászló stream. The largest extent of the settlement is in a north-west-south-east direction. The Tordas fishing lake is located relatively close to the inland areas to the east. Another important landscape feature is the
As stated above, forest and agricultural land uses, watercourses and, to a lesser extent, the road network are responsible for the landscape structure of Tordas.
The municipality has a good commercial infrastructure. There is a local post office, a pharmacy, two general stores, a florist, a greengrocer, a hairdresser, a stationery shop, a confectioner, a gift shop, a butcher, a farmer's shop, a health food shop, a restaurant (Tordas Tavern), a café, a cellar wine bar and a beer bar, a tobacconist, and mobile shops (Family Frost (frozen products), milk, feed), which ensure that all needs are met.
The number of economic entities operating in Tordas was 249 in 2014. Looking back over the past years, the number has been steadily increasing. The biggest wave was in 2008, when the number of organisations increased by almost 40. In the other years there has been a steady increase until today.
In addition to local small farmers (honey, eggs, plants), two farming organisations, TORION Ltd. and TO-RÓ 2000 Zrt., are trying to exploit the agricultural potential of the municipality, while Gyúrói Ltd. and a local farmer use land in Tordas. Their main crops are wheat, maize, sunflower and barley. In addition to crop production, TO-RÓ 2000 Zrt. also raises beef cattle on its premises in Gyúró.
The Tordas Plant Variety Experimental Station of the National Food Chain Safety Office is located in a locally protected building of the HANGYA Cooperative, which has brought a significant change in the life of the village. Its task is to test and compare plant varieties produced by breeders abroad and in Hungary and to prepare the decision on their recognition. While the site is located in Tordas, the field tests are carried out in the fields of Martonvár, covering an area of more than 100 ha.
The Botta and Feldhoffer flower nursery at the end of Szabadság Street is an increasingly dominant factor in the municipality. Perennial plants, various potted and cut flowers are grown under several hundred square metres of foil and greenhouse. In the northern part of the outskirts, 2 family farms operate in a former farmstead of the municipality and 1 in another. These now provide work for more than 50 ha of orchards (apples, pears, peaches and apricots) and a cold store has been built for the apples.
The relatively large number of sole proprietors and partnerships reflects the entrepreneurial spirit of the village, given its size and population. The number of active economic organisations exceeds 200. Typically, residents and movers register their businesses in Tordas. Since 2011, the number has been gradually decreasing and in 2013 it was 97.
In terms of employment, the Municipality's Home for the Disabled and the local government's network of institutions are also important.
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